Colours Criteria


Colours Criteria



KZNPSA participation awards are considered in a calendar year. KZNPSA participation award will be awarded to a Competitor who competes in one (1) National, all Leagues except one (1) and the KZN Closed Champs. KZNPSA participation awards are only awarded once. KZN Closed Champs is considered a separate event for this purpose.



Full Provincial colours and a Team certificate will be awarded at the KZN Prize-giving, for the Team Members who have represented the Province with three (3) Team selections at three Level III or higher matches. Provincial colours are only awarded once.

It will be the responsibility of the Administration Officer to ensure that the necessary records are kept in order that colours may be awarded and issued accordingly. Further, only current and fully paid up Members qualify for the Award of Provincial colours.
Members to notify the association if eligible for colours.



1)  A members Provincial Team Selection will be viewed over a six year period.

2)  A member must have been selected and represented the Province in a Provincial Team at

least once during each Calendar Year, of the six years being considered

3)  Gold Colours will only be awarded to a member who has represented the Province at least

twelve times during a continuous six year period.

4)  A member who changes from one Division to another will still be eligible to be awarded


5)  Provincial Team history gained in any Province other than KZN will not, under any

circumstances, be considered.

6)  A member must have been affiliated to both SAPSA and KZNPSA for the full six year period

under review.

7)  Gold Colours will only be awarded once.

It must be understood that the reason for using a six year history period to determine the awarding of Gold Colours is to retain the exclusivity of this award.


The purpose of the Document is to provide a Guide line to the awarding of Medal’s for KZNPSA recognised shooting events.

The following Divisions and Categories will be recognised across all disciplines and awards subject to the number of competitors in those Divisions and Categories:

  1. 1.1. All recognised I.P.S.C divisions, Classes and Categories. 1.2. Juniors and Ladies
  2. There must be 4 or more shooters in a Division, Grade or Category for Gold, Silver and Bronze to be awarded.
  3. There must be 3 competitors in a Division, Grade or Category for a Gold Medal to be awarded.
  4. For 2 or less competitors in a Division, Grade or Category, no medals will be awarded.
  5. Overall medals to be awarded in Divisions.