KZNPSA/SAPSA Membership Application
- In order to compete at level 2 events and upwards, and to apply for DSS status and firearm endorsements, a shooter must become a member of both KZNPSA and SAPSA.
- The membership year extend from the 1st of April to the 31st of March.
- KZNPSA and SAPSA memberships fees are combined
- Membership fees are not paid directly to KZNPSA, they must be paid to the club treasurers
- KZNPSA will batch process new member applications once a month on the 25th
- All formal correspondence to be done via email – not Whatsapp
- Applicants MUST be a member of a KZNPSA Affiliated club
- Visit the FEES page and pay the amount to your club (not to KZNPSA)
- Send the completed form and proof of payment to your club secretary
- EFT the full amount to the KZNPSA account
- Send the form and a copy of the proof of payment to the KZNPSA treasurer
- The treasurer will pay the SAPSA portion and submit the documents to SAPSA
- They will revert with the new members SAPSA number which will be forwarded to you
Please advise new members to peruse the website to familiarize themselves with all procedures
Please refer to section 7 of the KZNPSA Constitution: Affiliation and Membership.
Criteria for Affiliation:
- Your club must have no less than 5 paid up, active KZNPSA members
- You must have access to an approved shooting range within KZN
Affiliation procedure:
- Download and fill in the KZNPSA CLUB AFFILIATION FORM
- Send to the secretary along with the following supporting documents:
- A copy of your clubs constitution including your indemnity clause
- A list of names and addresses of all members
- A list of names and addresses of all officers
- Proof that you have range facilities (clubs without ranges will not be accepted)
- Your application will be reviewed and approved/declined by the council at the next council meeting.
- You will be notified of the decision.
- If approved you must make payment for your members to KZNPSA
- You will be ‘affiliated’ when fees have been received.