Membership Renewals
Take note of the following:
- The membership year extend from the 1st of April to the 31st of March.
- Membership fees are not paid directly to KZNPSA, they must be paid to the club treasurers
- All renewals to be done via email – not Watsap
- Annual fees are due by the 25th of March.
- Pay the amount due to your club bank account and email the proof of payment to your club treasurer,
Email subject: YOUR NAME – SAPSA NUMBER – RENEWAL - Your club treasurer will send to KZNPSA on your behalf
- If you do not submit your annual fees by the due date your membership will lapse and you will have to reapply!
- Go to the Membership page to see the current rates
- Annual club membership fees are due on the 31st March each year, deadlines for individual members is the 25th March
- Refer to the Membership page for the current rates.
- Rename it as follows: YOUR CLUB – SAPSA MEMBERSHIP – YEAR
- Populate this list with the details of all new members and renewals in the correct sections ie Paid / New / Unpaid (lapsed)
- Work out the total amount due
- Pay to the KZNPSA bank account listed below and download proof of payment,
Use reference : YOUR CLUB – SAPSA YEAR (ie Toti – SAPSA 23) - Email the completed excel (not .pdf) membership form and proof of payment to the KZNPSA treasurer;
Email subject: Club – SAPSA Members – Year - Keep a separate list for each year
Note: KZNPSA will only submit NEW member applications in batches once a month on the 25th. If you miss the 25th then your submissions will be only be done on the 25th of the following month. Please submit new members in batches if possible
First National Bank
Acc: 6287 6258 106
Branch: 250655