KZN Leagues


KZNPSA League Shoots


KZNPSA League shoots are classified as a level ll event. We have approximately 6/7 handgun leagues, 2/3 rifle and 2/3 shotgun leagues a year hosted by different clubs.  You must be a paid-up member of KZNPSA and SAPSA in order to participate in a league shoot.


Entries are done via Practicore. An entry link is sent out via email and via the KZNPSA Notice Group.  If you missed or lost the link you can search for upcoming events on the Events page of Practiscore.

  1. Click on the link to the match entry form
  2. Fill in your personal information on the Practiscore Match entry form.
  3. Select a squad and click SQUAD ME
  4. Make payment via EFT  – amount, bank account and reference are specified on the Practiscore entry form
  5. Please send proof of payment to  (Your entry will only be verified when payment is received)


  • Slots are limited and on a first come first serve basis
  • Entries will close on the Wednesday before the shoot at 12pm
  • Unpaid entries will be deleted at the cut-off time mentioned above
  • Arrive at the match at around 08h00


Results will be shared on the Watsap Notice Group via a Practiscore link usually with in 24hrs